Umpire training & accreditation - Meadowbank
Tue 16 May 2023 12:00 — Sat 03 Jun 2023 16:30
Event information
Registrations for this event are closed.
Hockey Australia (HA) is implementing a new national umpire accreditation. The first two education levels are now available. All Community umpires must complete Foundation Lead training to be accredited umpires. Level 1 and higher umpires please fill out our Umpire Survey and we will be in contact regarding next steps.
The two training levels available are:
1. Foundation Support - theory course only. All players should complete this.
2. Foundation Lead - 60 min theory & 30 mins practical assessment.
The NWSHA Meadowbank assessment day is intended to accredit existing HNSW Community & expired Level 1 umpires as HA Foundation Lead Umpires. The opportunity exists for new umpires to be accredited or advised on areas to be improved on that day. Places will be filled from grass umpires first then other interested umpires.
NWSHA anticipates offering additional assessment days. Please register your interest by completing this event registration.
HNSW intends to continue provide opportunities at 2023 State Championships for accreditation. Please register your interest by completing this event registration.
To qualify as a Foundation Lead Umpire please complete the following:
- Log into your NWSHA account (top RH corner of NWSHA website)
- Choose 'Hockey Ed'
- Choose 'Umpiring'
- Choose 'Foundation Lead Umpire Online Theory'. Pay $50 (this is refundable after completing a grass umpiring commitment. Refunds for other competition/mentoring/training commitment are TBC asap)
- Complete the online training. Please note that you must be registered & have completed your online training to be assessed on the 3rd June.
- Diarise Saturday, 3rd June 2023 12 noon - 4.30pm. This will include theory, questions, discussion and assessments.