Request for Exemption
Exemption conditions as per the NWSHA Representative Player Trial / Selection Agreement (section 7) are:
7. Exemptions and releases
7.1 Any player who wishes to be selected for an NWSHA team and cannot attend trials must submit an exemption request.
7.2 Reasons for exemptions include illness or injury (medical certificate required), bereavement, or other extenuating circumstances, approved by the Representative Committee.
7.3 All requests for exemption must be in writing by completing and submitting this NWSHA Request for Exemption form, and received by the Representative Convenor at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled trial. Late submissions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
7.4 NWSHA is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the Hockey NSW Representative Eligibility rules and policies. In the event such conditions bind a player to our Association, NWSHA will normally not consider a release request until it is determined that we are unable to offer the player a representative hockey opportunity within NWSHA. In this latter respect, failing to nominate and/or failing to attend trials will not be considered reasonable grounds for release.
7.5 A request for a release from NWSHA is required in writing to the Representative Convenor a minimum of two weeks prior to the NSW State Championship start date. This is to be done by completing and submitting this NWSHA Request for Release form. The Representative Convenor will present this request to the Representative Committee and if the request is approved, the athlete's name will be uploaded to the HNSW pick up list and the release of the athlete to another association will be managed and approved by the association. The athlete / parent / guardian will also be advised in writing by the Representative Convenor as soon as possible after the decision by the Representative Committee has been made.
7.6 Athletes who do not register for selection and attend a selection event, or who have received an exemption to trial as outlined in clauses 7.1 – 7.3 will not be eligible for release.
7.7 In line with clauses 7.1 – 7.6, the NWSHA Representative Committee has the discretion to release players on a case-by-case basis with a majority approval by the Committee.
Please note: Submission of a request for exempion can not be considered as approval for non-attendance.