
Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started

Registration/renewal is now open.

(Masters' State Championship ONLY link)

2025 NWSHA fee is $20 +GST  (12 & over) or $5.00 +GST (11 & under) or $0 (8 & under).

NWSHA also collects the HNSW Primary Association Affiliation fee $8.00 + GST which is paid to HNSW in April each year. We include this in your registration payment.

All members should register in Categories 1 to 7 UNLESS they are already a 2025 paid PRIMARY member of another association (eg SEHA, Nepean etc)  NB. Sydney Men's Masters & SWHL are not associations.

PRIMARY association is the one you register with first each year

HOME association is the first association you ever started playing with.

SECONDARY associations are other places you may play competitions or clubs you belong to.

You may represent your PRIMARY or HOME associations. You may only represent a SECONDARY association with permission from both PRIMARY & SECONDARY associations which is not always granted (see Rep policy).

If you join in the wrong category you will be uninsured to play hockey. You will receive an invoice for the difference & may not take the field until you have paid it.

Please contact Treasurer if you have any queries

For every other member

  • If your club is listed below it is hyperlinked to its RS portal for your convenience.
  • If your club is not listed then chose either NEW MEMBER or RETURNING MEMBER.
  • Have your 'Working With Children' number ready to add.

If your club is listed  you must renew/register via the club.

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